Wordhustling Chapter 1: Bill Barr

Byl Holte
2 min readDec 3, 2020


As a self-proclaimed wordsmith I’m always painfully amused at the way words are being used as weapons in anything from a tweet to a full-blown news article. CNN, NY Times, Washington Post and all their many liberal media pals have been using what I like to call “wordhustlingto change the hearts and minds of an unsuspecting world in mostly imperceivable ways.

In other words, NEWS MEDIA LIES.

For at least the past 4 years mainstream media has conducted an in-your-face smear campaign with the apparent end result being the end of the Donald Trump presidency. They did it with cleverly-constructed text and commentary that was purported to be news but was really mostly opinion DISGUISED as news — and nobody noticed.

Except me.

It’s been Election Day for a month now and we still don’t know who the winner is because Republicans (and independents like myself) contest the results while Democrats say there’s no basis. We provide endless instances of fraud, Democrats say “we don’t see anything”. Wordhustling.

This week we were given a perfect example of how words can be used to warp perception of facts when US Attorney General Bill Barr made a grand sweeping pronouncement which has come to be taken as canon and gospel by the left, but is literally just lying in plain sight:

BARR: “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election”.

Let’s unpack that, shall we?

“We have not seen fraud” essentially means that Barr and DOJ are claiming NOT to have not looked at ALL the evidence that Rudy Giuliani and the Trump Election Defense Team has been sharing all across the internet and Conservative News Media. It’s a basic form of “plausible deniability”, what you don’t know can’t hurt you. If you don’t LOOK at the evidence you can say with a clear conscience that you haven't SEEN any evidence, which is what Barr said. You get the point.

The second part of his commandment, “on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election”, is a little trickier but nonetheless easily seen through. It doesn’t matter upon what scale fraud occurs, only that it DID occur, and even one instance of fraud is enough to declare the results invalid!

Or should be.

Statements like these are being bandied about with the suggestion that if “we” don’t except these fraudulent votes and concede the election, we are “subverting democracy”. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Fighting against injustice IS DEMOCRACY ITSELF, and I will continue calling out deceitful wordhusting rhetoric in future pieces such as this one.



Byl Holte
Byl Holte

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