Byl Holte
2 min readMar 22, 2022


The United States of America.

Think about it; the title’s a little clunky, and it doesn’t roll off the tongue like France or Spain or England, but for hundreds of millions of freedom-loving people, it’s the most beautiful phrase in the world.

You know why?

Because of that first word.


The word that means “standing together as one for a common purpose.” That’s how America came to be in the first place, and it’s what has sustained us for centuries. The Bible tells us in the 133rd Book of Psalms,

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.”

We all knew this on a sunny Saturday when we stood and cheered together at a baseball game, and on a solemn Sunday when we raised our voices in fellowship and prayer.

We knew this in July 1969 when we watched in prideful awe as Apollo 13 took off for the moon, and on 9/11 when we cried together watching the Towers come down.

America’s strength has always rested in our belief in The American Dream and its power to change EVERY LIFE for the better.

We all knew this, until now.

Until the Democrat Party stopped loving AMERICA and started loving POWER more. Until the DNC switched allegiances and embraced a new philosophy:


Democrats have used race, the media, lies, hoaxes and every other tool of Satan to distract us from how they are destroying our great nation — but it’s not too late to stop them.

After a year of utter failure we’re now seeing the chink in their armor; we can see their defeat on the horizon in the form of the Fall Midterms. I see it, you see it, but more importantly, THEY SEE IT!

They know that at this point they have literally nothing to run on, because all their policies go AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE — everything from “Green Energy” to Covid restrictions and mandates.

Every single one. And now their leading us slowly but surely to the brink of WWIII!

If you’ve ever read my work, you know I’m staunchly AMERICA FIRST and I espouse all the values of common sense Americans. But I’m also JESUS FIRST and I believe HIS will is to see THE UNITED States of America restored to the beacon of liberty, sanity, and patriotism that God has blessed since its inception, and I mean to be his vessel in that restoration.

HIS WILL BE DONE — on Earth as it is in Heaven.



Byl Holte
Byl Holte

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